Zachry Construction Corporation was awarded the Wake County bid-build project from the North Carolina Department of Transportation in 2016. The 0.82 mile project consists of grading, drainage, paving, signing, signals and structures replacement of Bridge #227 on US-70/US-401/NC50 over Peace Street and the Wade Avenue Bridge #213 on US-70/NC-50 over US-401.
The Wade Avenue Bridge was completed and opened to traffic in April 2019 and the opening of Ramp C to Peace Street shifted traffic onto Peace Street in May 2019, which was part of Phase I.
The team worked in very tight downtown conditions while maintaining safe environments for the traveling public, Zachry Construction employees and subcontractors. Self-performing the wet utilities, encountering unknown utilities, reconstructiong Capital Blvd. in over 20 different weekend road closure operations, accommodating pedestrian traffic and reconstructing a couble-barrel box culvert in two phases across Peace St. were some of the major challenges the ZCC crews overcame.
The team reached final completion in May 2020.